Professor Wang Yan from Shandong University came to our company for academic exchange and discussion


Recently, Professor Wang Yan from Shandong University visited Renhe Zhihai Intelligent Technology (Shandong) Co., Ltd. for academic exchange and discussion. The Chairman of our company and the person in charge of instrument research and development accompanied the visit and exchange, laying a solid foundation for further deepening school enterprise cooperation and facilitating the rapid transfer and transformation of scientific research achievements.


Main communication content:
(1) Design and improvement of a multifunctional intelligent cloud and fog monitoring instrument
(2) Research on New Instruments and Methods in the Field of Atmospheric Misty Environment
Through this academic exchange and discussion, our company's researchers have deepened their understanding of the combination of theoretical knowledge and practical work, and also enhanced the endogenous driving force for the deep integration of industry, academia, and research, pointing out new directions for the next step of scientific and technological research and development work.

