Atmospheric sampler: unveiling the mystery of the atmosphere and exploring the mysteries in the air


1Meaning: An atmospheric sampler is an instrument or device used to collect atmospheric pollutants or polluted atmosphere.


(1) According to the collection object, it can be divided into gas (including vapor) samplers and particulate matter samplers;

(2) According to the place of use, it can be divided into environmental samplers, indoor samplers (such as those used in factory workshops), and pollution source samplers (such as chimney samplers).

(3) Special purpose atmospheric samplers, such as:

Ø A sampler that simultaneously collects gas and particulate matter can collect sulfur dioxide  and particulate matter, or hydrogen fluoride and particulate matter in the atmosphere, making it easy to study the relationship between sulfur or fluorine in gaseous and solid substances.

Ø A sampler for collecting bacteria in the air.

3Atmospheric sampler instrument display:

1 Intelligent integrated atmospheric sampler

The intelligent integrated atmospheric sampler is designed according to the requirements of the national standard HBC 3-2001 "Total Suspended Particle Sampler" and the National Environmental Protection Agency standard HBC 2-2001. It is carefully developed by soliciting opinions from experts and users, mainly used to collect air samples of TSP, PM10, SO2, NOX in the ambient atmosphere. Suitable for environmental monitoring, factories and mines, labor hygiene, scientific research, etc.


2Constant current sampler

The constant current sampler (HL-II/IV) is a specialized instrument for sampling pollutants such as formaldehyde, ammonia, benzene, and TVOC in indoor air of construction projects, which meets the requirements of the "Code for Indoor Environmental Pollution Control of Civil Construction Engineering" (GB50325) standard. The instrument adopts a microcomputer system for constant current control, LCD display, and has functions such as undervoltage indication, backlight illumination, and pause.


3 Intelligent cloud-fog sampler

1) ACFC-100 single-stage cloud-fog sampler: a sampling instrument specifically designed for collecting cloud and mist water samples in the atmosphere. We have independently developed cloud and fog detection systems and intelligent controllers, which have achieved automation in the sampling process and solved the problem of storing and transmitting meteorological parameters during the sampling process.

2) ACFC-200 Multi stage Cloud-fog Sampler: a sampling instrument specifically designed for collecting atmospheric cloud and mist water samples by particle size, achieving the collection of cloud and mist by particle size and the preservation of each field.

3) CMFS-300 Cloud-fog Monitor: Sensing and automatically collecting clouds and mist through a self-developed cloud and mist detection system, automatically measuring the pH value, conductivity, and dissolved oxygen of cloud and mist samples, recording and storing relevant data, and forming a complete record of cloud and mist observation data. It has efficient collection; 24/7 automatic recognition; Waterproof design, capable of year-round operation outside the site; Visual interface, easy to operate; Advantages such as remote control and online query.
